Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Bruh Want and Free Rider Essay
Bruh Want and Free Rider Essay Bruh: Want and Free Rider Essay Majority of the time in a group project or work place there is at least one person in the group that, slacks off and barely does anything however he/she gets credit for the work. He/she gets away with doing nothing because either his team does not say anything or the manager just allows it to slide. From this case the manager the manager plays a role as Freddieââ¬â¢s enabler. What the manager needs to do in the work place is simply motivate the workers including the free-riders to actually want to do their job. And lastly she needs to show him who the boss is, and he is easily replaceable. The manager has spoken to him. Provided suggestions and tried to live by an example she says, however she hasnââ¬â¢t made any changes to ignite his interest. 1. If you notice the free-riders just gliding through life, make the tasks have meaning. I know in my generation, especially me, if I am not interested in something IS simply clock out and the care is gone. However when I see that the task is very important, I work my best to accomplish the task. 2. Bring the other members accomplishments in light. In this case Freddie slightly knows heââ¬â¢s a free riders; however sometimes free riders have no clue that they are slacking in the work place. The manager needs to be able to sit and compare/contrast Freddies work with his peers. Through this he will see the little he actually does. 3. Provide the workers including the free rider with responsibilities Giving people a leadership role, goes back to the 1st bullet. It gives the worker something to actually care about, and in addition the workers had to bring their own individual work 5. Establish a relationship with the free rider and simply ask them for advice. The manager needs
Saturday, November 23, 2019
History of the Tom Thumb Steam Engine and Peter Cooper
History of the Tom Thumb Steam Engine and Peter Cooper Peter Cooper and the Tom Thumb steam locomotive are important figures in theà history of railroads in the United States. The coal-burning engine led to the replacement of horse-drawn trains. It was the first American-built steam locomotive to be operated on a common-carrier railroad. Peter Cooper Peter Cooper was born Feb. 12, 1791, in New York City and died on April 4, 1883. He was an inventor, manufacturer, and philanthropist from New York City. The Tom Thumb locomotive was designed and built by Peter Cooper in 1830. Cooper bought land along the route of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and prepared it for the train route. He found iron ore on the property and founded the Canton Iron Works to produce iron rails for the railroad. His other businesses included an iron rolling mill and a glue factory. The Tom Thumb was built to convince the railroad owners to use steam engines. It was cobbled together with a small boiler and spare parts that included musket barrels. It was fueled by anthracite coal. From Trains to Telegraphs and Jell-O Peter Cooper also obtained the very first American patent for the manufacture ofà gelatinà (1845). In 1895, Pearle B. Wait, a cough syrup manufacturer, bought the patent from Peter Cooper and turned Coopers gelatin dessert into a prepackaged commercial product, which his wife, May David Wait, renamed Jell-O. Cooper was one of the founders of a telegraph company that eventually bought up competitors to dominate the eastern coast. He also supervised the laying of the first transatlantic telegraph cable in 1858. Cooper became one of the richest men in New York City due to his business success and investments in real estate and insurance. Cooper founded the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York City.à The Tom Thumb and the First U.S. Railway Chartered to Transport Freight and Passengers On February 28, 1827, the Baltimore Ohio Railroad became the first U.S. railway chartered for commercial transport of passengers and freight. There were skeptics who doubted that a steam engine could work along steep, winding grades, but the Tom Thumb, designed by Peter Cooper, put an end to their doubts. Investors hoped a railroad would allow Baltimore, the second largest U.S. city at the time, to successfully compete with New York for western trade. The first railroad track in the United States was only 13 miles long, but it caused a lot of excitement when it opened in 1830. Charles Carroll, the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence, laid the first stone when construction on the track began at Baltimore harbor on July 4, 1828 Baltimore and the Ohio River were connected by rail in 1852 when the BO was completed at Wheeling, West Virginia. Later extensions brought the line to Chicago, St. Louis, and Cleveland. In 1869, the Central Pacific line and the Union Pacific line joined to create the first transcontinental railroad. Pioneers continued to travel west by covered wagon, but as trains became faster and more frequent, settlements across the continent grew larger and more quickly.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Planned Parenthood organization and social media Case Study
Planned Parenthood organization and social media - Case Study Example The organization had formally moved to the online platform in 2002 and had its own web space. It had joined social spaces such as Facebook in 2004, YouTube in 2005, and Twitter in 2006. However, in 2011, the fight over the defunding of the organization made the people in the organization to rethink on how to change their approach of the online space to make it more interactive and engaging to improve user experience (Planned Parenthood, 2012). When the campaign commenced, it resulted to a thousand of calls and emails from the organizational supporters. Within a short time of voting, the organization had received thousands of messages from e-mails, YouTube, Facebook, and other social media channels from supporters and even Chaperoned emails from partners (Perry, 2012). 2. In this case, social media played a big role in the defunding conflict as a lead for the TV reporting. This means that, TV reporters only got news after supporters, organizations employees, partners and all the other individuals involved gave their views on the social media platforms. For example, Wining states that, ââ¬Å"in the meantime, the press began to report claims that Komen was deleting negative social media postsâ⬠(Winig, 2012, p. 18). Certainly, it is evident that this press release was done after the media personnel realized what Komen was doing on the social media platforms. Otherwise, this statement would not have been released if social media was not there. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube were the main social media platforms that played the largest role in the conflict.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Forms and Theories of Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Forms and Theories of Government - Essay Example This is done to have an equitable distribution of property while still giving some economic freedom to the citizens3. Norway is a good example of such a form of government. A republic form of government is one which is led by the representatives of the voters. Each representative is chosen for a set period of time. The management of affairs is open to all citizens. An example of a republic is the United States of America. A dictatorship is a form of government which is autocratic and involves a single leader who is not an elected representative and often uses force to keep power. In a military dictatorship, the army keeps control. Iraq is an example of a dictatorship5. Tyranny is similar concept where the all power is vested in one single ruler who is often harsh, unjust and oppressive. A totalitarian government is the rule of a single political party over all public and private sectors. Such a political system has no limits to its authority and there is use of force and restrictions to ensure obedience6. China is an example of such a state. Anarchy is a state of affairs where there is no proper government or political system in place. This often happens after a civil war where the existing government is destroyed and rival groups fight to take control. Such a situation is present in Afghanistan where there is little writ of the state over its citizens. The United States of America is a constitution-based federal republic with a democratic convention. This means that it is a government which is ruled by representative of the citizen body. In this political system, sovereignty lies with the people who elect their representatives to run the affairs of the state. This is very different from a dictatorship, tyranny, anarchist and totalitarian regimes where there is often abuse of power and the people have little say in who is to run the nation. The person or small bodies in power are not there
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Lamb to the Slaughter Essay Example for Free
Lamb to the Slaughter Essay Sir Arthur Conan Doyles style of making the reader want to read on is a world apart from Dahls efforts, although the actual plot hooks you immediately in any Sherlock Holmes story. Doyle focuses on the man himself to ensure the readers full attention to the story. He uses Holmes superb character, a man sharper than a knife, more cunning than a fox and an untouchable track record to reel in the readers. The way he talks, he acts and follows out investigations and eventually solving them gives the reader an air of unpredictability around Holmes. Questions roll through your mind as you advance through a story featuring the famous detective, of how he ever unveiled something so sealed from view, its beyond belief, how he cheated death in the most frightening circumstances. Sherlock Holmes intelligence as a detective is matched by none and its this that Doyle uses to keep the reader entertained and on the edge of his/her seat throughout all of his Sherlock Holmes novels. Which proves that characters in a book, not always its plot make a story memorable. The endings of the two stories were an underlining big factor in what set them apart. Lamb to the Slaughter saw Mary Maloney murdering her husband spontaneously with a bizarre object, which proved much to her advantage as the story ended with the local police, who were investigating the murder, eating the only evidence to actually put Mary Maloney away for the ultimate crime. And in the other room, Mary Maloney began to giggle. As I read this, my feelings towards Mrs Maloney suddenly doubled back and began moving in the opposite direction. From the point when Mr Maloney sternly gave his loving wife the cold shoulder early on in the story, I had been resentful to him and a supporter of Mrs Maloney. Even when she had murdered her cold husband and proceeded to pull the wool over everyones eyes with her guilty conscience, I remained faithful, but as I read that last sentence, Marys crime came into perspective and it repulsed me to see her get away with such a terrible crime and be smug about it. This however, in my opinion was intended by Dahl. In a clever twist he had been playing with our emotions throughout and had left it until the last moment to cease his spell over the reader. This ending was certainly unexpected and made the story twice as enjoyable and successful as it already was. The Speckled Bands ending, as mentioned earlier is immensely diverse from that of Lamb to the Slaughters. From the outset, the result of Holmes investigation was clearly obvious. No case goes unsolved when Sherlock Holmes takes it by the horns. The point of reading Holmes stories is in order to experience Sherlock himself, as explained earlier this is Sir Arthur Conan Doyles way of making the reader want to read on. Once again, Holmes didnt disappoint us by solving the case. He picked up on the detail much forgotten by myself, the fact that Dr Roylott, Miss Stoners father had a collection of animals inspired by his work in India. Once Sherlock had studied the room in which the death of Helen Stoners sister had taken place, he had it in mind that a venomous snake was the culprit. This was in fact the reality of the matter and Sherlock had saved the day again. The way in which Holmes solved the case, as always provided the superb story we have come to expect from Doyle. Some of the blows of my cane came home, and roused its snakish temper, so that it flew upon the first person it saw. In this way I am no doubt indirectly responsible for Dr Grimesby Roylotts death, and I cannot say that it is likely to weigh very heavily upon my conscience. These final sentences of the story, not only demonstrate Holmes renowned intelligence, but wit as he printed a smile on my face with the final quip about the doctors death weighing on his conscience. The ending had me imagining a film adaptation of the story, Sherlock stepping from view, leaving a bemused Watson to follow, trusty notepad in hand, as credits rolled across the screen. To say what my favourite ending was would be unfair as I am evidently a Sherlock Holmes fanatic, but both stories were fantastic and worth the hour or so I spent on each. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Fifth Business - Character Foils Of Dunstan Ramsay And Percy Essay
Robertson Daviesââ¬â¢ novel, Fifth Business, revolves around guilt, competition, and two men who are foils of each other. Although Dunstan Ramsay and Percy Boyd Staunton are parallels to each other, they contrast in a great number of ways. Their awkward relationship plays a significant role in the number of elements which make Fifth Business such an interesting story. While Dunstan Ramsay had never been too interested in competing with Percy Boyd Staunton, Percy from a young age saw Dunny as a rival. When Percyââ¬â¢s brand new expensive sled isnââ¬â¢t as fast as Dunnyââ¬â¢s, Percy gets angry and throws a snowball at Dunny, which in turn begins the setting for the novel. The two continue to compete throughout the novel, for things such as Leolaââ¬â¢s love, military recognition, and more. Percyââ¬â¢s and Dunstanââ¬â¢s characters contrast in many ways. The most prominent way in which they contrast is their values. Dunstan values spiritual things, while Percy values only material things. Percy is impressed by and yearns for money, while Dunstan could care less about it. Dunstan explains his lack of desire for materialistic things: Where Boy lived high, I lived - well, not low, but in the way congenial to myself. I thought twenty-four dollars was plenty for a ready-made suit, and four dollars a criminal price for a pair of shoes. I changed my shirt twice a week and my underwear once. I had not yet developed any expensive tastes and saw nothing wrong with a good boarding-house. (Page 1...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Unmistakably Racist
Miami is a state of America and so thus Michigan. These two states are both progressive like any other states in America. But when one tackles about the racism that is happening in those two states, there are some things that are surprisingly odd.After reading the article written by William Booth entitled ââ¬Å"A White Migration North from Miami,â⬠I easily got the gist of the article which says ââ¬Å"There is a racism that is happening in Miami.â⬠And from that very point of the fact that racism is present there, Michigan is no doubt a good comparison with that of Miami.On my own understanding of racism, I define it as a discrimination of a superior race over the inferior ones. In the article of Booth, he cited many instances wherein the Americans feel that they are being discriminated because of the fact that their population is clearly a minority in the state.It seems that wherever they go, even in malls, food chains or government institutions, the people are Spanish s peakers. They really feel that the place is not theirs anymore because of the massive invasion of the Spanish speaking people. To make the racism clear enough, I want to conclude from what Booth says in the article, that whoever holds the most population, they are the ones who are more likely rule the place just like what happened in Miami.It is true that there is a reverse racism in Miami. Americans usually think that they are the superior race. But in the case of Miami, Spanish speaking people become the superior class because of their increasing numbers. In Michigan, Americans still reign the seat of superior class.Tracing back the history, the White Americans were discriminating the Black Americans. One good example of it was the way the students were treated. According to Zbrozek of The Daily Michigan, blacks, unlike the whites, were not allowed to attend dance classes and to use swimming pools.He also said that blacks were also not enjoying the rights of white students to join political activities in school. The discrimination of whites towards the blacks is very evident.Nowadays, there was still some racism that is happening in Michigan but not that bad like before just like whatà Monique Luse said because as what Isaac Curtis in the article written by Jeff Barr that a good man is no doubt a good man no matter what his color and race. And Black Americans have already proven their worth in the society.I think my point is now clear enough. Booth is right. The majority wins over the minority and in this case, it is not an exemption. Are you the one who is discriminating someone or the one who is being discriminated? If you are the racist one, have you ever wondered if discriminating people are good habit to do?What if you go to a place where you and your class are being discriminated because of the apparent fact that you are a minority group of people in that particular place? Do you think you will feel good? Come to think of it as early as now. You wil l never know what will be the twist of fate do unto you.Works CitedBooth, William. A White Migration North from Miami. The World is a Text.Sliverman , Jonathan. Rader, Dean. 9 November 1998. Washington Post Staff Writer.à à 28à June 2008.< http://www.fiu.edu/~fcf-whiteflight.html>Zbrozek, Chris. Confronting the racism in Michiganââ¬â¢s history. The Michigan Daily.11 Aprilà à à 2007.Barr, Jeff.à Society taught lessons of racism. Michigan News. 14 February 2008. Luse, Monique. Telephone Interview. 2 January 2002. Ã
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Treasury Report
{TOPIC} AN ASSESSMENT OF TREASURY MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS AND REMEDIES IN LOCAL GOVERNMENTS BASED ON ITS REVENUE. BY: NAME: ONIFADE AYOMIDE OLUWATOBA MATRIC NO: 09/SMS02/015 BEING A RESEARCH PROJECT REPORT THAT IS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING FACULTY OF AFE BABALOLA UNIVERSITY ADO-EKITI, EKITI STATE, NIGERIA. IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF BARCHELOR OF SCIENCE (B. SC) HONS IN ACCOUNTING. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE 1. 1Background of the study CHAPTER TWO 2. 0Literature Review CHAPTER THREE 3. 0Research MethodologyCHAPTER FOUR 4. 0Data Presentation and analysis CHAPTER FIVE 5. 0Summary 5. 1Conclusion. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1. 0 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Local government in any nation like Nigeria is an entity through which government and its policies are carried to the grass root. The government body of such an entity is selected or otherwise locally selected. It constitutes an integral party of a country overall political structure. The cr eation of local government is made by the law of the state government with intention of bringing government to the people.It is clearly understand that even if the machinery of the state government stops franchising law and order will still prevail, if local council in Nigeria continues to exist. According to Okoli (1998) local government exist to fell the gasp which the national government is to remote to fell, it bring the national government closer to the people and make its impact feet in all the nooks and cronies of the society. By implication the national government through thus medium caters for the grassroots. Local government plays vital roles in the development of the country.It can also be maintained that should local government machinery ground to a half, there is bound to be chosen and confusion. They are the overall of authority and it is through them that the provision of all facilities and services aimed at giving the people higher standard of living and maintenance of law and order can be made. Accordingly attempts have been made at different stages of the country political life to modify the local administrative system and to make them perform their role and function.But in spite of these efforts, the local government authorities continue to exhibit evidences of poor performance. Thus had led to the federal government affairs and eventual entrenchment of the system in the countryââ¬â¢s constitution. According to Gbenga (2001) local government can be defined as the process through which government and its policies are carried to the grassroots, and stressed that during the early stage of local government in Nigeria (Gowon) which lasted from 1967-1975 the different state operated different system of local government.In the Northern state, the emirs retained some of their powers and influence because the counselors appointed by the military Governors where traditionally and spiritually expected to defer to the authority of the emirs. The East ern state and in the Midwest states abandoned the councilor system adopted the French system of decantation. In the west state Governor who had initially posted sole administration of local government areas where forced by the tax revolts of the late 1960s to reintroduce local government participation.Mustapha (2003)local government also become conduct pipe for cooting of national treasury for instance, elite cline of local government Chairman called the ââ¬Å"Association of local government of Nigeria (ALGON) reportedly mandate the maximum military leader to deduct local government funds for the purchase of two Toyota land-cruiser jeeps for all LGA chairman, while the other belong to the police to facilitate effective policy and combat of armed robbery. Harriman (2006) local government is not creatures of state government, but one of the tiers of government of this country.Every effort should be made to allow local government councils to operate with prestige and not as beggar. Th erefore, the provision of funds and its disbursement in local government to perform its stated roles. So, importance of sound and effective management of the treasuring of a local government authority cannot be over stressed. Without effective treasuring management, the policies adopted by alocal authority in a great variety of field may not be successfully implemented comprehensive arrangement are therefore in force in all states for exercise of internal and external control over the treasuring of local government authority.But very little and in some cases, virtually no regard has been paid to the need for effective, progressive management of treasuring of local government authority. The management of treasury in the local government should be taken as a tool for controlling the activities of local authority in the country. Without proper and effective management of fund of a local government, the overall affair of the local government will be properly managed, as there will be no constant payment of staff salary, maintenance of law and order, provision of infrastructural facilities and execration of capital project.The treasuring management is a type of control exercise by the management within an organization. It is very important where the size of the organization is high and where the government of a state found it very difficult to have direct contact with the routine operation of the organization. 1. 1STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Large scale misappropriation of fund in public offices has now becomes a common practices in the society. And the local government is not exempted.Thus had led to performance in terms of services rendered to the people in spite of this modification there still exist a poor performance which is evidence in the case of the local government. This ineffectively can be traced to some factors of which poor treasuring management is one. So in this study, we will consider what constitute on effective treasury management and also how ineff iciency in the treasury can be avoided. 1. 2OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY This study was undertaken to provide: a)an attempt to closely look at how assessment is the treasury management, roblem and remedies in local government council in relation to the performance of roles and functions of their areas of authority. b)The length of area to which the treasury management process can contribute to the success or otherwise of a local affairs. c)What roles needs to be played by both the top level and lower level management for treasury management process to succeed in local government authority. d)The federal and state government involvement towards the attachment of defectives treasury management in a local government authority. )An overview of treasury management operation in local authorities f)An analysis of best practice and g)A basis for local governments to examine their own procedures to evaluate their performances so that improvements can be introduced where necessary. In view of the importance of treasury management in a local government is enumerated above, it is necessary also to look up into the treasury management procedure and practice employed by modern local government authority in order to accomplish their goals.Accordingly, this study will make an appraisal of the treasury management policy and practices employed by Ado local government concerned with a view of determining: A. To what extent has the proper treasury management helped the local government in performing the specific function of the local government? B. What procedure and techniques are employ by the local government in monitoring the effective treasury management? C. What principles difficulties are been faced by both management and lower level staff in treasury management planning and implementing?D. What condition is necessary in a board government to ensure effective treasury management? E. What (if any) are the probable causes of deviation in the planned and actual operation of treasu ry management and how they are redressed? F. What roles are being played by the treasurer of a local government in treasury management? 1. 3SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study focuses on treasury management system as a means of promoting proper accountability within an organization with a particular reference to Ado local government.This study will perform test and review the internal control system and the internal check that already exist in the organization. There will be careful study of the operation of the following division. ?Finance/Treasury Division ?Audit Division ?Budget and Planning Division ?Chairman / Sole Administrator 1. 4SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The outcome of this research work will be useful to the organization under reference because if the recommendation were adopted loopholes and other weakness in the existing internal control system would be exposed.This will urge the management to strengthen or if necessary build a new comprehensive treasury management which would promote proper accountability within an organization. The research work will also serve as a valuable document for students, business executives, middle management staff and other people who wish to consolidate their knowledge on treasury management. The result will also be essential to all government officers who are presently witnessing large scale of misapplication of fund and poor accountability. 1. 5DISTINGUISH BETWEEN HYPOTHESIS RESEARCH QUESTION The following are working hypothesis, which would be tested.Null and alternative hypothesis which are usually denoted by Ho and Hi, Ho: a)That well qualified personnel are employed as accounting staff and should be well ââ¬â motivated in term of salaries and other fringe benefit. b)That proper internal control of the treasury management would improves staff warmth, skill and knowledge. c)That an effective treasury management is capable of executing materials frauds and error and also promotes proper accountability in an organizati on. d)That effective treasury management will enable the local government affairs its objective and standard. )The effective treasury management promotes effectives management funds. f)That management ensures reliability accounting information and document. In this study, the following questions were asked with a view of finding solution to the operation of the treasury management process. a)How important is treasury as a unit of operation in the performance of local government function and roles. b)What roles must treasurer play in the attachment of standard treasury management in the local government? c)What are the contribution of the state and the federal government toward attachment of treasury management standard in all the local government? )What are the causes of proper treasury management failure? e)What are the causes of derivation in planned and actual operation. 1. 6DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Treasurer: he is the head of the treasury department, he manages and control the fi nance of the local authority. He keeps record of all money received or spent. 2. Auditor: he sees to the check and balance of all financial transaction of the local government. 3. Vote Book: it is use in recording all expenditure and liabilities incurred by the vote controller entrusted with the management of fund of the department. . Petty Cash Book: this is an imprest book, which is kept to meet expenditure of items whose payment voucher cannot be presented immediately. 5. Capital pay office responsible for physical cash and cheque payment of wages and salaries, pension and contract. 6. Receiving Cashier: responsible of collection of cash from outsiders who make payment on fines, licenses etc and also revenue granted by revenue collector. 7. Financial Account Unit: involved in preparation of final account as well as other financial statement of local government.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Conflict Resolution at General Hospital Essays
Conflict Resolution at General Hospital Essays Conflict Resolution at General Hospital Essay Conflict Resolution at General Hospital Essay Discuss the conflict that is occurring at General Hospital. In my opinion the conflict that is occurring in the General Hospital is the physicians are interested in obtaining personal benefits from representatives of pharmaceutical companies that distributes to the hospital. In most organization this is considered a conflict of interest. The physicians focus is not on their patients but on obtaining personal benefits. The Hospital pays each physician and clinician that is employed a very high salary and the pharmaceutical companies are aware that the physicians are interested in favors if they use products at the hospital. This problem has caused representatives of the pharmaceutical companies to easily get their products in the General Hospital which can sometimes be a difficult task for many pharmaceutical companies. Since the physicians have started this practice it has become a serious problem for the hospital. The ways to control the cost incurred in availing the desirable pharmaceutical resources in the Hospital are also facing some difficulties. Some pharmaceutical companies increased the prices of their products in order to provide some share to the physicians that support their company. Some professionals at the General Hospital have positive thoughts of the decision and others are and this has cause a conflict at General Hospital. 2. Discuss the conflict management styles that are evident in the case. The conflicts of interest at the Hospital is related to all business practices in the Hospital for example (1) the pharmaceutical companies are handled by the organization in an efficient way. The decisions that are being made are not in accordance with the primary interest but the secondary as well and I think it should be reversed with the primary and not with the secondary. The Hospital can implement duties on many business projects with the people such as pharmaceutical consultants. They should remember to remember the importance of maintaining a equal relationship between both parties the physicians and their supplier. 3. Discuss how General Hospital could have used teams to address the cost reductions needed to stay competitive. In my opinion I think the General Hospital can set guidelines concerning the salaries of, maintenance of the Hospital infrastructure, physicians, availability of high-tech machines, medicinal resources, availability of organs for transplant, hospital management etc and this will help the hospital maintain financial resources at all times and in the future. The Hospital should also implement ways to help offset high electric bills by checking the cost incurred in the wastage of electricity in those departments which are not currently under operation and combine the departments. All financial aids that is given to the hospital by the government as well as the other financial institutions should be monitored and utilized in an efficient way and controlled by a limited sources to show where the money is being spent. The hospital may develop ways by using different ideas to help strategies and stabilize their existence. This can be done by making offers to patients with unbeatable prices for some treatments and procedures. The General Hospital should investigate other hospital prices prior to making a final determination of their budget. 4. Describe how Hammer can use negotiation skills to get buy-in for the cost reductions. The negotiation skills are very important in any organization. To reach an administration that can produce great results at the General Hospital they must use their negotiation skills. The General Hospital is a huge and wide-spread organization and detail measures must be taken viewing the cost-reduction because of the size of the organization. Hammer should submit his proposal to negotiate the price of the artificial items that is needed by some patients. The manufacturer of these products can be contacted directly and the best price could be achieved and used to say the hospital money. The items purchased at lower prices from the manufactory can provide evidence that the product work when utilized for patientââ¬â¢s. The General Hospital could overcome the cost incurred in the treatment as well as the salaries of the doctors by negotiating with the suppliers. The hospital may find some of the suppliers not willing to lower the items at the offered price however if they refuse to negotiate or lower the price the Hospital should secure another company that is willing to negotiate the prices as a back-up plan.. 5. Recommend a strategy for Hammer to resolve the problem. In my Opinion I think Hammer should use a strategy to solicit the opinion of Hospital employees to help resolve the problem. He use an innovation awards plan. This plan will allow employees to submit their innovation on how to resolve the problem and the staffs that submit the top ten ideas are given a monetary gift. All employeesââ¬â¢ opinion should be taken into consideration to help Hammer resolve the problem at the hospital. The risks and contingencies should also be weighed and taken into consideration prior to any final decisions actual being implementation. If there is a conflict is found between the opinion of the employees, the hospital should allow the employees to determine by using some form of voting procedure using upper or lower management. The advice of the people who have been exposed to this type of problem should be interviewed for information on how they dealt with the problem and what strategies that they used to overcome the problem. After identifying strategies that will help solve the problems they should be implemented to the hospital employees with a plan on how to measure results from the plan. References: Hellriegel, D. , Slocum, J. W. , Jr. (2011 custom edition (13thj ed. ). Mason, OH South-Western Cengage Learning. massgeneral. org/about/newsarticle. aspx? id=2252 massgeneral. org/surgery/assets/pdfs/surgicalsociety/surgery_2002spring. pdf
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Student Portfolios for Middle and High School Teachers
Student Portfolios for Middle and High School Teachers Definition: Student portfolios are collections of student work that are typically used for an alternative assessment grade in the classroom. Student portfolios can take a couple of forms. Two Forms of Student Portfolios One type of student portfolio contains work that shows the students progression through the course of the school year. For example, writing samples might be taken from the beginning, middle, and end of the school year. This can help show growth and provide teachers, students, and parents with evidence of how the student has progressed. The second type of portfolio involves the student and/or teacher selecting examples of their best work. This type of portfolio can be graded in one of two ways. In many cases, these items are graded normally and then placed in the students portfolio. This portfolio can then be used as evidence of student work for college and scholarship applications among other things. The other way that these types of portfolios can be graded is to wait until the end of a term. In this instance, typically the teacher has published a rubric and students collect their own work for inclusion. Then the teacher grades this work based on the rubric.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Stoning in Iran Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Stoning in Iran - Essay Example However, she completely neglects the very reality that she is also guilty of human rights violations by imposing and inflicting the horrible and humiliating punishments upon the sex offenders in the form of stoning them to death because of developing extra-marital sexual relationships with one or more person(s). Since stoning to death maintains neither any religious background nor is it observed in any other part of the world except Iran, the dreadful act of stoning witnesses no justification in its nature and scope. The present study aims to analyse the implementation of the punishment by exploring its validity through the Islamic jurisprudence on the one hand, and its cultural and revengeful historical background on the other in order to prove or disapprove the validity of the so called justifiable penalty observed by the Iranian government of contemporary times. Stoning is one of the most popular traditional punishments applied by the authorities on the sex offenders and adulterer s, so that the viewers and spectators can take it as an exemplar and could avoid sex offences altogether in their individual and collective life. Since the Iranians consider stoning a highly effective method to prevent the masses from violation of the moral ethics and religious values, in order to protect the nation from becoming prey to the moral decline at large, stoning is vehemently practiced in all parts of the state on offenders without any discrimination of caste, class, community, region, age and sex. ââ¬Å"At a time when momentum is gathering across the world to abolish capital punishment, the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) currently ranks second for number of executions, after China, and first for per capita executions in the world. According to the World Coalition against the Death Penalty, Iran executed at least 317 people in 2007, almost twice as many as in 2006 and four times as many as in 2005. In 2008, at least 346 executions were recorded.â⬠(FIDH, 2009: 3) He nce, this type of ruthless punishment is admired, projected and supported by the Iranians without taking into considerations the severity of the trial the offenders undergo by becoming prey to the slow and painful death penalty. The history of stoning in Iran is not far to seek; on the contrary, it finds its roots over three decades ago, when the religious leadership came at the helm of the government after the successful revolution against the pro-western monarchical regime of the Emperor Raza Shah Pahlavi in February 1979. ââ¬Å"Amnesty International says that at least eight people were stoned to death in 1986. Somehow, few people have linked this to the passing of a law that year which allowed the hiring of judges with minimal experience and that it led to an increase in the number of judges from a traditional religious background.â⬠(Wooldridge, 2010: quoted in bbc.co.uk) Though the revolution was the reaction to the prevailing class discrimination of the monarchical Iran, yet it was hijacked by the religious leaders, who introduced strict laws in the name of religion and inflicted severe and harsh punishments upon their political and social opponents. Stoning and floggings were also introduced in the country, and the sex offenders became the worst prey of the religious regime, which left no stone unturned to suppress the liberal masses under the chariot
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